Hotel Hookups? How to Have a Drama-Free F Buddy Relationship

Wondering how you could get drama-free with a fuckbuddy or fuckpal? Learn practical ways and pieces of advice on how to choose the right partner, state your expectations, and guarantee that it will be a fun, no-strings thing.

Key Take-Aways

Boundaries and expectations are clear from the very start; therefore, there won’t be a single miscommunication that may bring drama to the scene.

Keep safe and responsible sex with protection, regular health checkups, and continuing consent.

Stay healthy: casual, respect of the boundaries, light, and fun.

How to Get a Local Fuck Buddy

This will offer you an effective way of getting local girls in search of a local fuck buddy, hence living drama-free. Maximizing apps specifically used for casual sex eases your search for like-minded persons in need of no-strings-attached fun.

Be open and direct about what you want so as not to pass the wrong message and attract like-minded people to your frequency.

10 Best Apps for Casual Sex

While searching for the advancement in today’s digital world, some of the applications help a person to avail casual sex partners. Some of these are explained as follows:

Tinder: Raw and straight—no-nonsense approach to a hookup. The big user base opens the door to find a match.

Bumble: But in a similar experience letting you find a date, the women make the first move and take control of the interaction.

Feeld: For people looking to get some other sexual experiences, singles or couples alike.

These are going to help you in finding similar-minded people and taking your casual dating life to the next level.

If you want something a little more discreet, then the following apps are great for no-strings-attached hookup, with ‘selfie or dye’ kinds of features, which include private messaging with self-destructing messages: Pure.

CasualX: A dating app for those who’ve found a home among users looking for casual sexual encounters, setting it apart from the traditional dating apps

Grindr: Very popular in the communities of queer men, an on-demand way to get someone to have a quickie or other casual fun activities through geolocation matching to facilitate the interaction

In-Person Meeting

While apps are quite convenient, meeting them while looking for potential fuck buddies could just work fine. Bars, clubs, and generally any other places that are social give good environments wherein the people found in them are open to networking, and the chances are it is going to increase the number of getting any person interested in having a casual relationship or a booty call.

This would actually involve social events, parties, or hobby-based meetups that are relatively casual in nature making it easier to know like-minded individuals. Transitioning into a casual sex relationship or finding compatible sex partner is less strenuous.
Making You: An Attractive Profile

An interesting profile is the easiest way to get potential matches to notice you. Use humor since it can show just how light-hearted you really are and look forward to really not getting serious in life. Confidence will also make you more attractive to people who are searching for casual sex because it reveals that you’re certain about yourself and know precisely what you want.

State what you seek to avoid misunderstandings and, at the same time, attract people looking for similar things.

Setting Expectations and Boundaries

The expectations and the limits should be set at the very beginning of any relationship based on casual sex. The clear intention ahead of time helps avoid misaligned expectations and postponed disappointment.

Set boundaries so you both reach a point where each other realizes where the other stands and both of you feel respected and understood. A relationship should remain healthy only if it is enjoyable and to maintain the enjoyable level, there has to be a set of boundaries.

Clearly Communicate

No relationship can ever work without properly and clearly communicated discussion. Following are a few ways to help open and honest conversation:

Choose an appropriate, very private, comfortable setup in which one can express their desires freely and limits. Mention that there might be a little discomfort in the beginning to make the conversation more secure. Be very honest right from the beginning. There shouldn’t be any kind of miscommunication, and feelings shouldn’t get hurt. You may describe your feelings using ‘I’ statements without blame. Apply these tips, and definitely, you will have better communication, and along with it, stronger relationships, even if the situation is casual.

Regularly checking keeps both the partner in the same pace. Following are a few of the steps:

Discussing about dating goals and the voicing of actions that would be taken when the boundary would be crossed.

Prevents future problems and increases the safety measures.

Ear for your partner, to respect and mutually understand.

Boundaries Setup

As much as a relationship should be free, some mutual rules keep the relationship clear of any drama. Clear ground rules mean that the relationship remains fun, and misconceptions are less likely. Decisions about arrangements like exclusivity and other rules are a must to always be entered into by both parties at a level with which they both feel comfortable and safe. These could also involve emotional and social conditions of continued confidentiality within shared social circles, or even the cessation of physical intimacy where one of the parties becomes seriously involved.

Setting boundaries on expectations from each other allows one to take control concerning the extent of involvement in the various casual sex relationships. Early and often set expectations ensure to get things straight without mismatched intentions and deferred disappointment. Make sure that the two of you have the same expectations and boundaries.

It’s something, boundaries, that’s protective, in a place rather than reacted to.

One feels mutual respect, feels trust, enjoys the relationship.

How to Keep a Healthy Fuck Buddy Relationship

Any relationship takes work and communication to stay healthy, and fuck buddy relationship is no different. The frequent communication keeps both parties on the same page and can also alert one or both to possible emotional complications.

Choosing someone who is similarly easygoing about the arrangement reduces drama and potential conflict for the parties involved.

How to Keep it Casual

Avoid candlelit dinners or buying her flowers, or any other such romantic insinuations.

Keep the conversation light and only on what is going on in your lives at that moment; this way, it remains casual.

Intimacy should not go too far as to become frequent with an inclusion of a maximum of once a week to prevent over-attachment.

Do not let your relationship get too emotionally potent by switching off all communications in person only. Do any hobby together in which both have an interest; that way, the communication will always be nice and smooth due to common interest in things. Solitude should be given to everyone, hence scheduling and time for rest or relaxation for yourself alone is necessary.

Treat your friend with benefits just like any other buddy. Revise the situation often so that both of you feel comfortable and happy about the relationship. It’s the respect of each others’ feelings that makes the dynamic healthy and takes off extra baggage from your shoulders.

Juggling Multiple Partners

Of course, this needs to be talked out very honestly with all the multiple casual lovers so that they know what to look for and what’s expected from them in a relationship.

Open and honest about seeing other people—in this way, there will not be any misunderstandings, hence creating trust.

Managing time: knowing ahead of time when you are going to see each person, and going on dates in enough time to spend adequate time with each person.

Respect and inform each other of the boundaries and expectations for pursuing peace among partners. Any evolvement of emotions or alteration of plans is to be communicated from one party to the other party involved so that for mutual understanding between the two parties to be protective and fair.

Safe And Ethical Casual Sex

Casual sex should be made in a way that reduces a person’s potential in catching STIs and provides protection against unintended pregnancies. Among many ways to ensure a safe encounter with casual sex are protection, regular check-ups, and maintaining consent and comfort.

Use Protection.

Condoms should always be used whenever there is sexual contact, so that sex is safe and STIs are not passed on. If used correctly, condoms are 98% effective in preventing many sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. Use male and female condoms with all sexual activities involving sites of contact—for instance, vaginal, anal, and oral sex.

The list for protective covers that can be used during safe sex includes dental dams, which are placed over the penis or the vulva to prevent getting STIs through oral sex. Among all its various types, the external condom is being best used at this time. The internal condom, either the female condom, is inserted in the vagina before the sexual activity. ,

This means frequent and regular STI tests should be carried out to enable treatment and protect your health and that of your sexual partner. Normally, sexual health check will involve taking a sexual history, some physical examination, followed by some tests— a few blood tests or urine tests.

Access attended sexual health clinic confidentially for comprehensive services pertaining to comprehensive testing, treatment, and counseling.

Consent and Comfort

Any sexual activity must be accompanied by constant mutual consent in order to secure that persons are comfortable and willing. This, in turn, creates a relationship wherein both entities are comfortable about any sort of sexual encounter, hence a relationship of trust and respect.

From here comes never-ending consent in a properly working, healthy fuck buddy relationship.

Solving Potential Issues

Furthermore, there’s always the possibility that a casual relationship of this nature may go sour some other way, such as feelings developing, jealousy happening, or a communication breakdown. Be transparent and enjoy this relationship in the best possible manner with open and honest communication.

Managing Jealousy

What one has to be aware of at this point is that jealousy is artificial only in its derivation from insecurity or unsatisfied needs. Focus on the positive advantages of this set-up that would never have been realized otherwise. These can be new levels of confidence or even self-awareness with respect to your needs. Indeed, working through jealousy finally usually takes some very open and honest conversations about feelings and limits with others.

Keeping emotions at bay and focusing on the casual nature of one’s relationship: talking about ex-partners, keeping the environment free of jealousy, setting boundaries, and so on

Not discussing other partners to help avoid jealousy-filled environments and set boundaries

When Feelings Develop

If at all some romantic feelings happen to develop for one, honest communication of these feelings becomes very necessary to take care that no misunderstanding crops up. Steps to follow include:

Have open communication of those feelings to maintain the casual nature of the relationship.

Check if relationship dynamics can change and accommodate them.

Discuss the boundary and expectations from now on.

Deciding up front what to do if feelings become romantic in nature will save a lot of heartache later on. Choices are to either redefine the relationship or end the relationship. If your feelings do become one-sided, end the arrangement to avoid anymore drama.

Breaking It Off

The ending of associations or fuck buddy relationships utilizes the same method in ending any relationship. There needs to be honest communication and respect each other’s feelings. Anytime you need to break up, end it with your head held high and on positive notes. Termination of the relations ought to be done with no hard feelings from either party, and therefore moving on needs a lot of honesty and respect.

Remember to appreciate the good times within the relationship during the breakup conversation.

Never be the to blame when ending a relationship.

Set a clear boundary after the breakup to ease the transition.

Real-Life Tips from a Seasoned Fuck Buddy

Those who have been there, done that with casual sex relationships have a lot to say about how one keeps them fun and functional. Giving each other space, staying honest, and keeping things fun are three large components. Honesty of both the people involved in a casual relationship cannot be undermined. What is very much required is clearly laying the terms in front of the concerned people. Clearly upfront means there has to be consistency between what you say and what you do. The relationship should, right from the inception, be clear to both parties that it is going to be casual.

Don’t insinuate something more to your friend if it’s not in your intentions, for sure this is not living to your end of friend contract.

Space for Each Other

It’s best to space out seeing each other no more than one night a week. If you want to keep a healthy, drama-free fuck buddy relationship, it’s essential that you are giving each other space.

It gives them the space to experience the relationship without overcrowding and developing unwanted emotional attachments.

Unattached Fun

With the freedom allowed to have fun and not being attached to any commitment, the fun can involve going out dancing, wine tasting, shooting some pool, and going out to dance around.

These types of fun activities can keep the casual dating relationship alive and full of life.

This will just keep things light and casual at times, so it might sometimes seem to work out into a strong commitment, other times maybe not.

It really takes the right attitude to have a drama-free good time in a fuck-buddy relationship. It’s instrumental every step of the way: from finding those local fuck buddies, either on apps or offline, to really setting clear the boundaries and maintenance of respect within. Assurance of safe sex, solving problems if they crop up, and lightness with casualness being continuous really are the keys to success. It is embracing this light-hearted nature through open communication and above all—having fun!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which apps are the best to find casual sex partners?

The best ones are Tinder, Bumble, Feeld, Grindr, and CasualX. All these applications have huge provoking user bases with features that just help them stand out among others, so people indeed love using them for casual sex.

How am I going to meet fuck buddies offline?

Hit the local bars or clubs, and see what is going on in town, or make stops at hobby-based meetups. All the best!

How would one set the limit for a casual sex relationship?

Just state clearly your intentions and mutual rules right at the very beginning of everything. Respect each other’s boundaries, and you shall be just fine for a drama-free casual sex relationship. Good luck!

What if I start catching feelings for my fuck buddy?

Share your feelings with your partner—clarify honestly with them whether the dynamics of the relationship can really change—together, decide the way forward. Then give yourselves a little time for a satiable conversation where you can actually bring out your feelings.

How do I end a fuck buddy relationship amicably?

Be clear and honest with your fuck buddy: Do respect him by letting him know, acknowledging the good features of the relationship, and setting proper boundaries in the future. You also want to take care of the situation so that things can turn out amicable.

Mature Women in New Orleans Are Sharing Nudes On This New Site

There’s a new trend in New Orleans with older ladies. An ever increasing number of them are uploading mature nudes to the popular mature dating app at It’s a place where they can show off their bodies, share pictures, and find dates and hookups. The site is growing quickly as more women realize that men don’t care if you’re old. In fact, many are turned on by a woman who knows what she wants. And, if you have the right attitude about it, age doesn’t matter either.

The vast majority of women over 50 upload nude selfies on the site. They know full well that men like seeing mature naked bodies. Older women are often overlooked by younger guys for one reason or another, but these days there’s no longer any need to settle for someone who isn’t attracted to you.

We talked to some of the women on the site, and asked them about what makes them like it, and why they choose to upload nudes on this site.

“I was tired of being lonely,” said Mary. “My husband had died a few years ago, and I’d never found anyone else who was interested in me.” She continued, “Men my own age only wanted to talk about sports or politics. I just needed someone to hold me, and tell me how much they liked me.”

Another lady we spoke with was Sue. She told us: “It’s nice to feel sexy again. My husband left me when he retired, and I felt like a woman half my age. I’m not young anymore, and I’ve seen plenty of other women getting laid by younger men. That got me thinking, maybe I could do that too.”

When it comes to uploading nude selfies, one thing is clear – women over 50 like doing it because they enjoy it. Sure, some of them may be looking for love, but the vast majority seem to just be having fun with it.

One woman told us that she likes showing her body off so much, she does it every day. Another said that she uploads nudes all the time, and has no intention of stopping. It seems like these women understand how powerful their bodies can be, especially if they have an attractive face to go with them.
They also get horny a lot, and they find it easy to share that with others.

One woman told us, “I masturbate almost every night before bed. I’m always horny, and I like to look at other women’s tits and asses while I’m playing with myself.”

Some women actually make money from A number of the women we spoke to told us that they receive gifts daily from men who really like the way they look. Others said that they’re receiving cash payments from those same men. While this might sound strange, it’s possible to earn money from the site, especially if you’re willing to spend an hour or two chatting online with members.

For most people, though, the main attraction is the sex. When they log on, they expect to meet up with someone who’s going to make them cum hard. One lady we spoke to told us, “I’m constantly horny, and I can’t get enough cock. I’ve even been known to fuck my neighbor’s son, because he’s so good at giving head!”

Getting back to the topic of sex, one of the reasons why mature women upload nudes is to show off their bodies to strangers. We think it’s pretty obvious that a lot of the women on the site are horny as hell, and they want someone to take care of that problem for them.

To sum it up, mature women tend to be very confident in their looks. They know that they’re hot, and they don’t mind letting everyone know. The fact that they’re also hornier than ever probably helps, since it means they’re able to show off their bodies in ways that most women couldn’t. . If you want to try something new you should check out Mature Sex Dates. You’ll be glad you did!

Best Campgrounds Near New Orleans

New Orleans campgrounds

If you are looking for the best campgrounds near New Orleans, Louisiana that offer easy access to some of the most notable attractions in the city then there are some great options for camping. The following provides an overview on the top ten campgrounds within thirty miles of New Orleans.

A number of these campgrounds allow you to enjoy all of New Orleans’ attractions without being stuck in a hotel. They are surrounded by a great deal of beautiful natural beauty that you will never forget.

1)  River Lake Campground

River Lake Campground on Lake Pontchartrain is open from April to October and has over 100 campsites with different amenities, including the necessary hookups for RVs. The campgrounds also allow pets, with some sites having water and electric. The rate is $20 per person, with an additional $5 per person after the first five people.

2) Bayou Segnette State Park

Bayou Segnette State Park in Westwego is open all year with campsites that overlook Bayou Segnette. There are over 150 different campsites available to choose from, with five of these sites having full hookups for RVs. It also has the necessary bathhouses and amenities for camping. The cost is $20 per night, plus an additional $5 extra person after five people.

3) Oak Park Campground

Oak Park Campground is located in New Orleans East and has over 90 campsites that are available on a first come, first serve basis. The campground offers primitive camping, with the exception of four sites that have water and electric hookups. Pets are not allowed in the park.

4)  Belle Chasse Naval Air Station

Belle Chasse Naval Air Station Recreational Area is located just fifteen minutes from downtown New Orleans and has 160 campsites that overlook Bayou Dupre. There are full hookups for RVs, as well as a dump station, bathhouse, and playground. The cost is $20 per night with discounts for military members.

5)  Fontainebleau State Park

Fontainebleau State Park is located in Mandeville and has over 1,500 acres of Louisiana landscape to explore. It has over 100 campsites with different amenities, including water and electric hookups. It also offers a family pool for fun in the sun, as well as basketball courts, horseshoe pits, and ball fields. The fee is $20 per person plus extra for pets after five people.

6) Cousin’s Cove Campground

Cousin’s Cove Campground has over 70 campsites with full hookups, as well as a dump station for RVs. It also has amenities like showers, bathrooms, and playgrounds. The water is sulphur-smelling, so not drinkable. There are discounts for seniors and military members.

7) Mallard Cove Campground

Mallard Cove Campground is located in Covington and has over 100 campsites with full hookups. It is open year round, with some sites having water and electric only, no sewer. There are hot showers, restrooms, grills, picnic tables, a store for essentials, as well as activities like horseshoes and shuffleboard. The cost is $20 per person after the first two people.

8)  Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge

Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge is located in New Orleans East and has over 23,000 acres of land to explore. It is open all year, but the visitor center is only open Monday-Friday. There are different types of camping available, including group camping, primitive camping, and RV camping. The primitive camping is $10 per night and the RV camping is $20 per night, with both having a 14 day stay limit.

9) Lake Catherine State Park

Lake Catherine State Park is located in Hot Springs and has over 500 acres of forest and lakes to explore. It offers over 100 campsites with different types of amenities, including water and electric hookups. It has hot showers, restrooms, and beach access that is open during the summer months. The cost is $20 per night with discounts for military members.

10) St. Bernard State Park

St. Bernard State Park in Chalmette has over 1,000 acres of land to explore on foot, by boat, or by horseback. It offers primitive camping, as well as campsites with water and electric hookups. It also has a bathhouse, playgrounds, and a fishing pier. The cost is $10 per night for primitive camping and $20 per night for sites with hookups.

Our Final Thoughts

There are many different campgrounds to choose from near New Orleans, with something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a primitive camping experience or full hookups for your RV, there is a campground for you. So get out and explore all that Louisiana has to offer, and don’t forget your camping gear!

If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out our blog for more outdoor adventure inspiration. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates on all of our latest adventures. Happy camping!

Best Beaches Near New Orleans

New Orleans beaches

New Orleans may be best known for its jazz and Cajun cuisine, but it also offers some great beaches. Whether you are looking for a place to relax or to get active, there is a beach near New Orleans that will fit the bill.

Grand Isle

The closest beach to New Orleans is Grand Isle. This barrier island offers stunning views of the Gulf of Mexico, white sandy beaches and plenty of recreational activities. Visitors can kayak through mangrove forests, bike along the beach or hunt for seashells in the sand. Grand Isle is located about 30 minutes from New Orleans in Jefferson Parish.

Cypremort Point State Park

Another option is Cypremort Point State Park, which is located about an hour and a half from New Orleans. This park offers visitors a chance to enjoy the natural beauty of Louisiana’s coastline. There are miles of hiking and biking trails, as well as a nature center where you can learn about the plants and animals that call this area home. The park also has a campground, so visitors can stay for a few days and enjoy everything the park has to offer.

Fort Pike State Historic Site

The Fort Pike State Historic Site is located about two hours from New Orleans. Visitors can tour historic Civil War forts, fish in Lake Pontchartrain or stroll along the beach. The beach at Fort Pike isn’t as nice as others in the area, but it does offer visitors a chance to see a different side of Louisiana.

Mandeville Lakefront

If you are looking for a place to swim, Mandeville Lakefront is a great option. This beach is located just north of New Orleans in St. Tammany Parish. It offers a large, sandy beach and plenty of recreational opportunities. Visitors can fish, canoe or kayak in the lake, play volleyball on the beach or attend special events throughout the year.

Chester Harding Jr. Memorial Park

Another popular swimming beach is Chester Harding Jr. Memorial Park in Westwego, which is about 15 minutes from New Orleans and in Jefferson Parish. This beach offers a large, sandy area and plenty of recreational opportunities for visitors of all ages. There are even concession stands on the premises to provide food and drinks for visitors.

Our Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a great beach to visit near New Orleans, these are just a few of the options available. Whether you are looking for a place to relax or to get active, there is a beach near New Orleans that will fit the bill. So, pack your sunscreen and head on out to enjoy all that Louisiana’s beaches have to offer.

10 Best Things To Do In New Orleans

things to do in New Orleans

There’s no shortage of things to do in New Orleans, from exploring the city’s unique history and culture to indulging in its world-famous food and music. Here are some of the best:

1. Tour the French Quarter

The French Quarter is the oldest and most famous neighborhood in New Orleans, and is home to some of the city’s most iconic landmarks, including Jackson Square, the French Market, and Bourbon Street. There’s no better way to experience the history and culture of New Orleans than by taking a walking tour of the French Quarter.

2. Visit the Audubon Zoo

The Audubon Zoo is one of the most popular tourist attractions in New Orleans, and for good reason – it’s home to a wide variety of animals, from lions and tigers to gorillas and elephants. It’s also one of the few zoos in the United States that’s open every day of the year.

3. See a Mardi Gras parade

Mardi Gras is a major cultural event in New Orleans, and is celebrated with a series of colorful parades throughout the city. If you’re visiting during Mardi Gras, be sure to check out at least one parade – it’s an experience you won’t forget!

4. Sample New Orleans cuisine

New Orleans is famous for its Cajun and Creole cuisine, and has some of the best restaurants in the country. If you really want to experience New Orleans culture, try out as much local food as possible – be sure to hit up gumbo, crawfish étouffée, jambalaya, and po-boys!

5. Attend Jazz Fest

Jazz Fest is a two-week music festival that takes place every spring in New Orleans. It’s one of the biggest music festivals in the country, and features performances by some of the biggest names in jazz, blues, R&B, and soul.

6. Take a swamp tour

If you want to experience the more rural side of Louisiana, take a swamp tour. Many companies offer tours of the swamps surrounding New Orleans, and there are plenty of photo ops along the way – alligators, herons, turtles, and other water fauna are a common sight.

7. Take a cruise on the Mississippi River

The Mighty Mississippi is one of America’s most iconic rivers, and offers some amazing views of New Orleans and the surrounding area. There are a number of companies that offer Mississippi River cruises, including dinner cruises and jazz cruises.

8. Visit the New Orleans Museum of Art

The New Orleans Museum of Art is home to a large collection of art from around the world, including paintings, sculptures, and prints by some of the great artists of our time. It’s one of the largest art museums in the South, and is a must-see for any art lover visiting New Orleans.

9. Tour Saint Louis Cemetery

Saint Louis Cemetery is one of the most iconic cemeteries in New Orleans, and has been featured in popular culture countless times (it’s even featured in “Interview with a Vampire”). The cemetery is home to many famous New Orleanians, and its architectural design is unlike any other cemetery in the country.

10. See a movie at The Prytania

The Prytania Theatre is America’s oldest continuously operating theatre, and has been showing movies since 1910. It’s a classic New Orleans institution, and is a must-see for any movie lover visiting the city.

Ready to visit New Orleans?

These are just a few of the best things to do in New Orleans – there’s something for everyone in this vibrant and colorful city. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and explore!

Best New Orleans Hotels For Dating App Hookups

New Orleans hookup hotels

Are you in New Orleans and just matched with someone on a dating app, and now you’re looking for a good place to meet up with them? Maybe the hot girl you just matched with on SP Date or the sexy dude from Tinder wants to go somewhere classy and hang out first, and you really want to hook up tonight.

In this article we’ll cover some of the most romantic hotels in New Orleans where you can impress someone on a first date. If you want a nice place to relax with your date and make sure they’ll want to hook up with you, and already have a nice room to go back to, then look no further than here.

The Best Hotels for Hooking Up in New Orleans

The Contemporary:

One of New Orleans’ newest boutique hotels, this one offers great restaurants and great places to meet up with a date. The Thompson: Maybe you want to meet up for happy hour in the restaurant or even have some drinks in the bar area before going to dinner? There are plenty of nice restaurants on the 14th floor to choose from.

Hotel Monteleone:

The main event is the hotel’s rooftop restaurant/club, the Rainbow Room. A live band plays most nights of the week with DJs, cocktails and good food. If you want to stay for breakfast, the hotel’s kitchen has a huge selection of breakfast dishes.

Storybook Inn:

Although it’s been around for more than 30 years, this hotel still has that classic New Orleans charm. The Inn is perfect for dinner dates or a nightcap in the hot tubs.

Hotels with hot tubs and fireplaces

The Audubon, Hotel Monteleone, Thompson, and Tracey & Susan are all nice places to stay.

The next category of hotels in New Orleans are ones that have great hot tubs. You can have a magical romantic experience with your date in the hot tub of the Country.

The St. Regis is also a good place to stay for the night, but it’s much more modern and expensive.

There are a lot of hotels in New Orleans that are right in the heart of the French Quarter and are super romantic.

Many are in the old converted warehouses that once housed merchants, and these places are off the beaten path, but very romantic.

Hotels with outdoor pools and views

The Creole Cabana is a quirky boutique hotel that boasts an outdoor pool and balcony seating area with amazing views of New Orleans’ infamous Lower Garden District. The cabana is also home to two in-house restaurants, the Bistro and Spa and the Creole Cabana Bar. Stay in the cabana during the day for an additional $20 per person, and the hotel’s early evening hours, when dinner service is available.

The Bistro and Spa is an excellent place to hold a private or small group dinner. The restaurant and bar are both open to hotel guests and are always filled with friendly and eager wait staff.

Lucky Boutique Hotel is another great New Orleans hotel where you can hang out poolside in the sun all day and night for only $79.

Hotels with rooftop bars

At the top of any list of best New Orleans hotels for dating app hookups, the top spot is the rooftop of a hotel with a rooftop bar. If you want to impress a person with the view, but you don’t want to wait in line for the bar, you might consider some of these hotels. And these are just some of the best:

Hotel Monteleone

At the top of the list of the best hotels in New Orleans for hooking up on dating apps is the Hotel Monteleone. The hotel offers both romantic rooms and rooftop bars and restaurants. If you’re looking for something beyond the view, the hotel also has an art gallery and comedy club, so this hotel is all about the nightlife.

LaQuinta Inn and Suites New Orleans

With cool panoramic views and a breathtaking dance floor, you’ll never get bored. With live music and other entertainment, this rooftop bar is perfect for an evening out with the one you want to spend your life with. Hotel rooms are available here for visitors who want to just enjoy the view of the city without spending a lot of time in the bar. Or, you can book a room with a balcony and choose to relax with a nice view.


If you’re serious about dating in New Orleans, then we’ve found your next great date night and weekend getaway, whether you’re visiting with a significant other or alone.

New Orleans is filled with iconic restaurants, incredible cuisine, and a lot of history. We’ve narrowed down the places to go, places to stay, and places to have a date night and/or a weekend getaway. Now it’s time to get out and find your next great date night or weekend getaway in New Orleans.

Best Spots to Watch Mardi Gras Parades in New Orleans

The carnival scene surrounding Mardi Gras is one of the most enchanted times to be in the city. Most of the parades that roll for Mardi Gras start uptown and meander down towards the French Quarter.

But because they often span half the length of the city, it can be difficult to know where to go.

Here are a few important things to remember: Parades are great fun, but they are also long.

Make sure that there are bathrooms nearby. One of the best ways to do this is to post up in front of a bar or restaurant along the parade route. Purchasing a cocktail or some food usually affords you the use of the facilities, which trust me, is a huge bargain.

Every Mardi Gras parade takes a slightly different route so be sure to pick up a Gambit, the local A&E paper, so you know exactly where to go.

Lee Circle

Most parades tend to pass by the only traffic circle in New Orleans. The large area around Lee Circle is perfect for getting a great spot to catch some great beads.

I like to stand in front of Bellocq, a cocktail bar that slings some of the best drinks in the city.

A luxury afforded to you by getting drinks from them is that if you’re relatively sober and nice, they will probably let you use their restroom which is something that no local takes for granted. If you’re looking for a good date idea, you won’t want to miss this.

Polymnia & St. Charles

This intersection is prime real estate along the routes of most of the big parades. This area tends to be one of the more lively spots so make sure to expect a rowdy bunch.

On the corner is the famous local beer bar, Avenue Pub. Like before, if you buy drinks from them during the parade and tip well they will let you use the facilities.

Napoleon and St. Charles

Superior Seafood is a fantastic restaurant that holds up this corner of the New Orleans parade circuit.

Look up exactly when the parade plans to roll and then arrive early to get lunch at Superior Seafood. I always try to time it so that I am paying my bill just as the first floats start to drive by.

Lafayette Square at St. Charles

There aren’t too many grandstands set for Mardi Gras but this spot is where to find the highest density of them.

Most of the stand owners will charge a small fee for enjoying the parades from higher up, but it is a price well worth paying if standing for hours fighting the crowds for beads isn’t your thing.

Tchoupitoulas and Gravier for Muses

Situated right in front of the Windsor Court Hotel is one of the best places to catch the Muses parade.

The hotel usually places a drink stand right on their front steps for easy access so that you can stay well-stocked with cocktails while you pine for some of the most coveted throws of Mardi Gras, the Muses Shoe.

Ten of the Best Hotel Wedding Venues in New Orleans For 2020

Hotel privincial

Why would New Orleans be such an impressive place to hold a wedding?

Why, because it’s got that “laissez les bons temps rouler” attitude about it – letting the good times roll.

With its Southern charm, energetic culture, enchanting atmosphere, and its world-renowned cuisine, this here, is the place where people want to tie the knot. And for those of you who are single, read every word on this page because one of these amazing hotels was rated the #1 hookup spot for singles looking to get it on by popular adult dating app

That’s why we’re giving you some assistance and naming ten F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S venues for lifetime memories.

Here they are:

1) LaTrobes On Royal

A wedding is all up to you – whatever you want, it can be sultry, exotic, trendy, traditional – take your pick.

Everything from your ceremony to your reception can be held here, with award-winning chefs to meet all your culinary and wedding planning desires.

2) Beauregard-Keyes House and Garden

This place is just bursting with vintage New Orleans style. It’s welcoming and exquisitely preserved. The ballroom is just a magnificent and elegant space for an evening of dancing your special night away.

3) Hotel Monteleone

This hotel knows exactly how you want your New Orleans wedding to be and that is totally unique – they have the exact option to suit your needs. 

They give you all the choices that show you they cater 100% to all your wedding needs that will turn your special day into something never to be forgotten.

4) The Jaxson

They simply make all your dreams come true. At the Jaxson, you are offered beautiful surroundings at the River, excellent cuisine, and romantic times on the spacious terraces.

5) House of Blues Wedding Spot

This one is the Big Easy’s French Quarter. It’s the perfect, iconic wedding venue. If you want a non-traditional wedding, House of Blues promises one of a kind wedding.

Choose where you will say your vows – this full-service wedding venue with all in-house catering specializes in the ultimate wedding!

6) Café Amelie

This historic hideaway, named of Monaco’s first American princess, this totally romantic wedding venue in the French Quarter will steal your heart away; it’s just a sheer spacious 150-year-old courtyard featuring fountains, and lush landscaping with romantic French doors to carry you into your wedded live together forever – unforgettable memories!

7) Omni Royal Orleans

This hotel is in the French Quarters.

What you get is a magical  hotel, the ideal location to entertain your guests, real honorable traditions that have catered to many generations and a team that wants to make your day literally the best, you can sure your wedding team has done everything before, so they will be ready for you!

8) Terrell House

This is one gorgeous place, located in historic New Orleans. It’s a premier destination for a wedding – a very popular and romantic place in which to tie the knot. They invite you to test their magnificent wedding hospitality.

9) The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans

This 5-star glitzy hotel is your ultimate dream; the ultimate romantic setting for a never-to-be-forgotten wedding that most brides can only dream of.

For your wedding reception, the French Quarter Bar will capture your heart and the energy of New Orleans with views over the city from the 12th floor. Simply the Best!

10) Omni Riverfront Hotel

This contemporary elegant hotel is just perfect, allowing you to make your dreams a reality because they are there to meet your every need with their attentive service – it’s the full package, period!

If you want the newlywed games and questions visit John Simon’s blog – he lists a ton of questions for weddings and other occasions.

The Coolest Hotels In New Orleans with a Modern Spin

New Orleans might be ripe with history:

old Creole cottages, impressive Antebellum mansions, and boasting some of the most interesting architecture in all of North America.

Trade-in creaky floorboards and ghost stories for a more modern take on the Crescent City with our favorite cool hotels in New Orleans that are breathing fresh air onto the city landscape.

Holiday Inn Express

A short stroll from the French Quarter you’ll find the Holiday Inn Express in an old Lee Circle YMCA building. Expect complimentary breakfast, snazzy rooms with incredible mattresses and a party downstairs.

And as a New Orleans pet-friendly hotel, why not bring your pooch along with you to discover the Big Easy?

Ace Hotel

The ultimate queen of cool hotel chains finally sauntered into NOLA and started taking reservations in early 2016, adding another page to the city’s cool repertoire.

The palate here is dark and rich- walls are painted dark as are the linens for a dramatic effect. Rich wood and buttery dark leathers round out the sophisticated effect. 

Ace Hotel  is located in the Warehouse District, home to art galleries and bespoke cocktails galore, as well as a saunter to the French Quarter and the up and coming South Market District.

The W French Quarter

The W French Quarter is perfectly suited to its French Quarter location with its jazz-themed rooms, beautiful tree-lined courtyard with a signature W WET pool and street-facing balconies.

At a push of a button, you’ll be connected to their Whatever/Whenever service should you desire food, drink or recommendations.

SoBou, the onsite restaurant has some delicious cutting edge Louisiana soul food with self-serve wine and beer machines. Straws are on your left!

Hotel 48Lex New York: Every Room Is a VIP Club Floor Room

All Rooms Are Club Level at Hotel 48Lex New York, a Luxury Boutique Hotel

NYC is full of luxury boutique hotels like Hotel 48Lex New York. What makes this modern Midtown hotel really special is that every room has access to the club lounge — and the club lounge is like an ongoing cocktail party. 
• You don’t have to upgrade for this perk; it’s included in your rate

Hotel 48Lex New York opened in August 2011 in the Grand Central area of midtown Manhattan.

• Its name comes from its location: 48th St. and Lexington Ave.

Will You Like Hotel 48Lex New York?

The answer is probably yes if:

• You want to stay in Manhattan’s Midtown East area close to everything
• You like modern, high-tech hotels
• You seek an NYC hotel room with quintessential Manhattan views through floor-to-ceiling windows
• You like hanging out in your hotel’s lclub-level lounge, drinking cappuccino or wine
• You rely on a 24-hour gym and/or business center
• You’re traveling with your dog: Hotel 48Lex New York has a pet-friendly hotel policy

The answer is probably nope, not your style if:

• You prefer staying in a tourism hub like Times Square and the Theater District, or near Central Park, or downtown in Soho or Tribeca
• You prefer historic grand hotels to modern boutique hotels
• You prefer traditional to contemporary design and décor
• You’re like big hotels for their varied dining, kids’ activities, shops, etc.

• You like your hotel to buzz with social life into the wee hours
• You absolutely need a pool at your hotel
• You’re a smoker (the entire property is non-smoking)

Convenient Location of Hotel 48Lex New York

Hotel 48Lex New York is in the Midtown East commercial district of Manhattan, and easily accessed from LaGuardia and JFK Airports.

Cabs and buses are easy to catch on the corner, and you’re within five minutes of six subway lines’ stations.

Hotel 48Lex New York is within a 10-minute walk of:
• Grand Central Terminal
• St. Patrick’s Cathedral
• Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdale’s
• Designer shops on Fifth Avenue and 57th St.
• United Nations
• Rockefeller Center
• Radio City Music Hall
• New York Public Library
• Bryant Park
• Chrysler Building
• 47th St. Diamond District

And Hotel 48Lex New York is within a 15-minute stroll of: 
• Times Square
• Theater District
• Central Park
• Empire State Building
• Bergdorf Goodman
• 24-hour Apple Store

Guest Accommodations at Hotel 48Lex New York

Hotel 48Lex New York is an airy, eye-catching, modern building. With 116 rooms, it qualifies as a boutique hotel. 
• It calls its rooms “studios,” like one-room New York apartments
• Each floor in this compact high-rise has only four studios

Best Rooms at Hotel 48Lex New York

Hotel 48Lex New Yorkoffers nine types of rooms. All have a jazzy Manhattan palette of gray, black, and white, with original artworks in the room.
• The two 23rd-floor Penthouse Suites are around 750 square feet, with kitchens and plant-filled terraces framing iconic Manhattan views
• Corner suites are 435 square feet, with a separate bedroom and sitting room
• Other room configurations feature a king bed, queen bed, or two double beds 

Amenities and Perks in All Rooms at Hotel 48Lex New York

• Wonderfully comfortable beds
• Floor-to-ceiling windows that open 
• iPod dock, iron, large safe with laptop charger
• Kitchenette with mini-fridge, microwave, coffeemaker
• Good desk and lighting
• Plenty of space for your clothes and stuff
• Robes, slippers, and premium toiletries in the bathroom
• Minibar with New York-made snacks
• WiFi is complimentary in rooms as well as in The Lounge

Dining at Hotel 48Lex New York

Lexington Brass Bar & Grill, a modern American bistro, is the hotel’s lobby-level restaurant. 
• It serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus a late-night menu, and weekend brunch (with a popular DIY Bloody Mary option)
• Room service, until midnight, is from Lexington Brass